Today I pretty much just too it easy, yesterday I spent a lot of energy running around, today was for relaxing. So I went to what ended up being a giant hippie fair. Lots of hand made crafts, and some antiques. Kind of a Fremont Sunday Market on steroids, and strung out over a single road for many, many blocks. It was fun, although I didn't find anything I wanted to buy, really. My photos today are of some of the street performers I saw there.
Two stories.
Lots of CD sales were happening at the fair, large tables set up with impressive collections of largely Tango music, and a stereo system is set up at each of these, playing some of the music you can buy. At one point I walked past a table, and it took me a few minutes to realize it, but the music that was playing was tango accordion covers of Depeche Mode. Awesome. I regret not buying that, perhaps I can find it when I get back home. Maybe it's this:
Secondly, as I noted, the reception area at the hostel turns into a bar with loud music at about 9pm each night. When I left for dinner the transition was in progress, and someone had an iPad with a DJ/music creation app on it, and was creating electronica on the fly which was being piped through the speaker systems. Pretty entertaining.
ok. Tomorrow will need an early start. I have to find US Dollars in Buenos Aires, and that might prove to be pretty difficult. Stupid Bolivia visa. :)
Tango with strangers
Singing the classics of Argentinian music from, I'd guess, the 1920's.
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